Following the final report of the Public and Health Service Ombudsman, which was published and laid before Parliament in March 2024, we are campaigning for the implementation of a scheme of fair and fast payment of compensation to 1950s women for the injustice they have suffered due to maladministration by the Department for Work and Pensions in the communication of changes to their State Pension Age.
1. be simple to understand and administer, without requiring individuals to make complex claims;
2. not be subject to income tax;
3. not be means-tested;
4. not be taken into account in the calculation of means-tested benefits.
We would favour a two-stage scheme:
1. Immediate compensation payments to all 1950s-born women on a simple sliding scale based on date of birth, using records already held by DWP.
2. Provision for additional compensation to be claimed by women who can provide evidence of direct financial loss caused by DWP maladministration.
We are a volunteer-run grassroots campaign with over 50 local groups throughout England, Scotland and Wales and designated representatives in over half of parliamentary constituencies.